Cigarettes Are Gross and DC Is in Hibernation

What I find amazing is that guys will smoke knowing that it damages their lungs, causes premature aging of the skin and makes all of their clothes smell like five month old ashes. And then these same guys will turn around and try to flirt with anyone who catches their eye nearby.

OK, I’ve tried smoking cigarettes back in college, and I never saw the point in continuing. I’m learning now that not only was that a great decision but many of my classmates who looked so cool back then are now unattractive and have that dried out look that drinking eight glasses of water per day doesn’t solve.

Even worse is when these same guys get the shakes while they’re in the club, as the lack of nicotine starts affecting their body. It looks gross, and while obviously not as bad as being on crack or drugs, it just reeks of a lack of self control, which to me is unacceptable. I only make allowances for alcohol, and even then, drinking to get wildly intoxicated is rarely the goal – intoxication just happens to creep up on you while you’re enjoying time with friends in a social atmosphere.

Anyway, on to the real point of this post: most of my close friends have moved away from Washington D.C., where I currently reside, and I’m starting to seriously consider that my time has come to leave the District, as well.

On no night is this more evident than Friday and Saturday night. Thought I like both men and women for different reasons, most of my friends are straight and are uncomfortable in gay-themed clubs. I can understand this to a certain extent, which is why I favor places that cater to mixed crowds, but even then, it’s a hassle to get them to go out, so it’s often easier to just direct them to a cool place and just try to keep an eye out for The Signs while I’m there. After all, most homosexual or bisexuals frequent the most hip places, and often in the mixed company of gay, straight and other so they’re doing the same.

Anyway, I found that going to a gay club alone is like going into a meat market with no butcher to carve the best cut of steak possible out of the slab of beef. That probably sounded confusing, but what I mean is that every desperate guy in the place will immediately gravitate towards you. This can work to your advantage, because often a good looking and normal guy will often see you in need and will pull you aside or start a conversation, but you can’t get the seconds or minutes of life you surrendered trying to be polite but not an a$$hole (a fine balance) back. You don’t go out to a club to be polite…you go out to get laid! Oh, and dance. But getting laid or finding a potential hook-up is always the end goal.

Anyway, so I recently went out to a bar down the street from my building, and I met a lot of very hot guys – tall, in shape and well-groomed. Just my type! The first pair I met fit my type extremely well – unfortunately both were in a relationship, with each other, which made my conversation somewhat stilted since it was obvious that I was trying to flirt and it appeared they were just there recovering from a day spent with one or the others’ parents. With no gay wingman or backup, I had no way of knowing that I had failed to notice their engagement rings. Then I found another pair. Awesome! Of course one was married to a life partner, and the other one was straight. I spent some time talking with the straight one, but I couldn’t quite jump the hurdle required for a seduction. It’s probably the weather, because I went home shortly afterwards with an acquaintance I’d hooked up with before, and before the night wore on too long, we did our thing (not X-rated), I went back home, drank some cranberry juice and read a book before bed.

The next night, I went out with a group of my straight friends for a pre-Thanksgiving holiday drink. I forgot the new name, but I have been there before when it was a gay-themed hotspot (not the first time a bar has changed management to the opposite end of the spectrum in DC, and definitely not the last!). Then we went to Rocket Bar. Had a good time hanging out but I have to say that I was very unimpressed with the bar scene. The best part of the night was a visit to The Diner for a 3 AM breakfast (I had steak and eggs). DC is always like this during winter – it seems to me as if the town starts hibernating, and there is little to no reason to stay in town.

So I’m basically bored and to that end, will probably not be going out that much this season. DC has confirmed this decision by snowing this past weekend and then raining around 6 AM this morning.

I think I’m ready to call DC quits! If some hot guys and girls don’t start showing up soon, I’m going to go stir crazy!


First Post!

I figure I would take this time to introduce you to me; since I have a busy day ahead of me, it will be pretty short.

Tough stuff first: I wish I could say I discovered my sexuality through some romantic or sensual experiences, but I didn’t. There was some abuse involved, which lead to a many years of guilt and shame. Thankfully, my mother found out about it early on, so it wasn’t a nightmarish, long-term situation, and I did have a somewhat normal childhood afterwards. But that did leave some emotional scars that persist to this day. I’m working on it, but at this point, I think I’m past it for the most part, so you won’t be hearing about it in any greater detail.

Whew! That’s out of the way.

Back to the present: I’m a virile, young American male. I’m very attractive, consider myself to have a congenial personality and in general, do all the things most guys my age do. I’m 28 now, but honestly, I am not that afraid of turning 30 – it surprises me how many people get hung up on that number, but realistically speaking, I think 35 or 40 are the big birthdays. There is no getting away from adulthood once you hit those numbers!

I am a great kisser, and I tend to enjoy staying in bed all day if I can. If I could manage it, I would go through the day not wearing any clothes, at all. I love the human body, and mines especially is finally showing results from years of athletics and working out. I think there is a voyeuristic aspect of my personality, because I like being looked at, touched and turning people on. I hate to sound snobbish, but I definitely have an aesthetic appreciation for a well-developed and toned body, whether male or female. So while some people look for romance and are all prepared to ignore or downplay physical appearance, I definitely find it a very important aspect of my sexuality.

That being said, I love porn! They are some of my role models – I like to credit porn with helping me actually get over any issues I had as a kid, because I grew up Christian, and that certainly didn’t help me with any of my problems! While some people went to church to find forgiveness, I was always impatient to get home, rub one out and then go off to the gym. For years I tried to be a strict churchgoer (this has more to do with watching “The Exorcist” as a kid – that movie traumatized me for years!), but as I get more relaxed with myself, I realize that I’m just too lusty and turned on too easily to bury the emotions under some pious mask. I’m not throwing out all of my morals, but I decide to take control over my own health and decisions, and I refuse to abdicate responsibility to an imaginary being. But you are more than free to believe in whatever you choose. I’m not criticizing anyone’s beliefs. In truth, I don’t really care, as long as you don’t try to inflict it on me. Unless you’re hot; in which case I may put up with your moralizing while eye raping you. I like that term, btw, even if I don’t approve of rape. “Eye fucking” just sounds dirty.

That’s another point – I love the gym. I respect all the people that commit themselves to creating the body of their dreams and the eye candy alone makes it worthwhile to get there early and work hard. It’s an investment – you put time into it and discipline yourself with correct form and the right nutrition, and you can quickly make progress that is measurable and visible. You can usually find me at Results near Dupont Circle either ogling or being ogled (I prefer both).

I intend this blog to be a journal of my sexual experiences as well as the more worthwhile thoughts that go through my head throughout the day. I will try my best to be entertaining because:
A) If no one else reads it, then I at least have to entertain myself while writing it.
B) In the event someone hot reads it and they hopefully live near me, maybe we can meet up!
C) I am not necessarily shy, but I am pretty comfortable being quiet, and as a lot of my closest friends have moved away, I find myself with more acquaintances than I know what to do with. This is a way to share my experiences and thoughts with other people, who will hopefully be non-judgmental as to my lifestyle.

So, look at this blog as my offering to all of you; I’ll share a bit of myself with you and I can only hope that through comments and e-mails, you will do the same with me. I look forward to it!